Sunday, May 18, 2008

Pet Peeves

I thought I would begin a list of "pet peeves" that might make you relate, feel connected in our mutual annoyances, and give you an opportunity to add some of your own. This is an annoying world we live in, that is for sure, and we have to find ways to dim the noise, and keep peace in our souls. Two ways I do this are:I always have my I-Pod available to listen to with my beautiful classical music. I cannot tell you how many times this has saved me in an airport, bookstore or restaurant if I am alone. Secondly, I always have with me a good book to read...lines seem shorter, and noises seem less if I am reading a good book. This is only a beginning list of those things that are unpleasant to me, and things I will NOT miss when I am gone! Please send your own, and I will add them to the list.

*Always getting in the wrong line at the grocery store. Makes me think I am making other bad choices in my life that I don't know about.

*T. P. dispensers in almost every public bathroom on the planet. If you can bend down far enough to get just one square of t.p. without pulling a muscle, well then, you are in good shape.

*People who stand and talk in doorways that everyone else is trying to get through. Don't you just want to scream at these unaware people!

*The ultimate: talking to only machines on the phone when you need help. Does anyone else wonder at what point this country will be 100% on auto-pilot....

*And then, to add insult to injury....all the real people calling to sell you something right at dinner time. If only we could switch the real people to "service" and the machines to sales calls....hmm.
Actually this is already being done with sales calls; don't you love racing to the phone to listen to a machine trying to sell you something. Hope all of you know how to take yourself off those calls lists.


Blog of Innocence said...

I love the idea of a list for "pet peeves". I'd have to say that I agree with you on most of them, especially the automated marketing. What I hate more than anything is to recieve a phonecall from a machine! A machine! Now these marketing companies can't even call you in person. By the way, Gretta, I don't know if you rewrote you comment about the "cluster communities" on my blog. But it's there now, nothing got errased. I just had to approve of it, which means it sits in my mail box until I look at it and make sure it's not spam. Love you, Chris

Tom McBrearty said...

Good list, Gretta. Mine: drivers on cell phones; slow golfers. The former need to drive or park and talk. The latter need to remember it's an athletic endeavor and speed it up. And, I suppose, cell phone talkers within my earshot, particularly at airports and restaurants, are right up there as well. Hey, remember phone booth?
Love from Tom McB.