Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Springtime, Again

I last wrote about signs of spring that are popping out all around me, and then shared my poem about springtime with you. A sure sign of spring for me is the one little crocus that seems to bloom each season beside our house. The rabbits of past winters ate the other little shoots, so only this one bloom each spring. This little crocus is my sign; my "true north" that spring is really here. Again, the poet in me speaks to this and I will share another of my poems called Enough.

Just one crocus bloomed this spring
But that was enough for me
I need just one perfect example
Of God's miracle to see
How perfect is the Universe
In all its majesty
Just one bloom
One blade of grass
One singe tree
That is enough for me.

As I type this, a thought occurs to me. When is enough, enough? How much do we have to have in our lives to be content? And in getting more than enough, who do we rob from getting "enough?" We are a very rich country indeed, and a good percentage of us has enough, and even more than enough (including me.) But there are many among us and around the world who do not have enough, and it is these people I am thinking about. How can I who has more than enough help those who do not have enough. A dilemma and a challenge. Am I doing enough? Hmmmmmm. Enough said.